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Law Firm Announcements

Grand Opening of Maria Jones Law Firm’s New Law Office in Memphis

Maria Jones Law Firm is known throughout Arizona as a law firm the people can trust for honest, effective legal counsel. Thanks to the continual success of our attorneys in the personal injury, criminal defense, and immigration law cases they take on for clients in need, we have been able to grow our practice. In fact, we are proud to […]

Criminal Law

5 Myths About Criminal Cases

Many people think they have a good idea of the U.S. criminal justice system from television and movies or even word of mouth. However, the depiction of police investigations, trials, and other facets of the legal system in the entertainment industry has resulted in persistent myths. Believing in such myths can ruin your ability to […]

Criminal Law

Fake Identity & Criminal Charges

Not only does college help prepare young adults for their careers, but it also gives students an opportunity to have fun since they’re away from home. Many students who are not 21 years old yet obtain fake IDs to purchase alcohol and enter bars and clubs, rather than waiting until they are of legal age. […]


Immigration Law a Hot Topic Among Republican Primary Candidates

Republican primaries continue across America, with South Carolina as their next scheduled stop. The issue of immigration is expected to be a hot topic. It goes without saying that the vast majority of the candidates are taking a firm stance against illegal immigration, but it remains to be seen what their positions will be on […]


AZ Democrats Expected to File Repeal of SB1070

According to the Arizona Republic, this week, Democratic lawmakers in Arizona plan to file a measure to repeal the controversial immigration law, SB1070. This will be the first legislative attempt to remove the law. SB1070, which was signed into law by Governor Jan Brewer in April, 2010, states that “U.S. federal law requires all aliens over the […]


Tips to Avoid Fake Immigration Lawyers

It goes without saying that getting the right help can make the immigration process immensely easier. What some people may not know, however, is that obtaining the wrong help can actively hurt your case. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there practicing immigration law without actually being lawyers. The USCIS is doing their […]


Arizona Lawmakers in Alabama Talking About Immigration

In a recent move to help spread knowledge about immigration, Arizona legislators have come to Alabama to talk about immigration and immigration law. Ben Miranda, the former Arizona legislator, welcomed everyone gathered at the Mexico Lindo center on Wednesday. They are all gathered to speak about strict immigration laws, designed to specifically target immigrants. He said […]


A Guide to Travelling With a Green Card, Part 1

When it comes to green cards, one of the most common questions people ask is about the impact travelling outside the United States will have on their permanent resident status. Many people don’t ever receive a solid answer to this question, and end up passing on potential vacations to avoid any trouble. This article will help […]


A Guide to Travelling With a Green Card, Part 2

The previous post covered many potential issues with travelling with a green card, as well as what constitutes breaking continuity of residence. This post will focus more on what is considered residence abandonment, and the potential punishments associated with it. The determination of whether or not you have abandoned residence is discretionary, and based on […]


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