Tips From a Recent Immigrant, Part 2
Anyone who is going through the immigration process, or will be going through it in the near future will have a lot of questions. Many times, the process may seem daunting, and individuals will not be sure where they can go for help.
That is why it is helpful when people who have gone through the immigration process share their experiences, as well as some tips that they wish they had known as they were going through it.
These tips come from just such a man, who is attempting to make other people’s immigration experience even better than he was.
He suggests that immediately after immigrating, it is important to:
Get a driver’s license: Many states will require that you have a Social Security number before you get a driver’s license, so make sure you take care of that step first. It is important to take a driver’s training class as soon as possible, even while you are waiting on a Social Security number. Driver’s training classes are extremely helpful and relatively inexpensive. Even if you have driven for years in another country, the classes can help you become familiar with any rules that may be different in the United States.
Sign up for a bank account: Most of these will also require a Social Security number, but some of them will be flexible if you tell them that you have applied for a Social Security number and are just waiting to receive it. Make sure you ask your employer if they have any association with credit unions since membership in one can greatly help you in getting things like car loans.
Please stay tuned for more tips from someone who just recently immigrated himself.