Maria Jones Law Firm Proudly Offering 2020 Law School Scholarship Program for its Employees
Our Phoenix attorneys at Maria Jones Law Firm are honored to distinguish ourselves as a different kind of law firm. We are very dedicated to the success of everyone on our team not only by providing a healthy and friendly working environment with advanced tools but also offering opportunities to grow individually and professionally. Founding attorney Ms. Jones has decided to make available a law school scholarship for a qualified candidate within the firm.
Many years ago, Mr. Jones herself was financially struggling and law school was just a dream. She persevered and believed her true path would lead her to the profession she is meant to be in. Her prayers were answered in quite a surreal way when, to her own surprise, she was offered a law school scholarship by a few business owners from her motherland. Ms. Jones still refers to these benefactors her “angels” and is passionate about paying it forward to a similar student in need. The rest is history.
If you would like to learn more about how to become an employee of Maria Jones Law Firm and about our 2020 Law Scholarship Program or you are instead seeking to schedule an initial consultation for any and all legal matters related to criminal defense, immigration, or personal injury, please contact us Maria Jones Law Firm today. Call (602) 603-4032.