Make Sure to Obtain a Driver’s License
We have spent the past few entries talking about some tips and guidelines for individuals who have just been granted permanent resident status, namely how to apply for a Social Security Number or Individual Tax Identification Number. In this entry, we will cover the next step to perform, which is obtaining your driver’s license. The specific rules related to what must be done in order to obtain a driver’s license are different for each state. The rules are at the Department of Transportation’s website at Driver’s licenses are an important part of the rights you are offered as a permanent resident. Depending on the area of the country you live in, public transportation may not be as reliable as you would like, and as such, will need a vehicle of your own. Many times, individuals are able to get by with just a bicycle, depending on how far away their work is. Sometimes however, as in the case of Arizona, this is less practical. No one wants to arrive at work sweaty after riding a bicycle through 7 miles of 105° heat. Depending on your job, you may have to get a commercial driver’s license, which will have different requirements, and certain other restrictions. If that is the case, though, you will not need to worry about obtaining a passenger driver’s license, as the commercial test will qualify you for both. If you have any questions about obtaining a driver’s license as a newly permanent resident, do not hesitate to talk to your immigration attorney. They will be able to offer you specialized legal advice.